Feminism in the Perspective of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Throughout history, around the world, within societies, and in every minority, whether it be related to race, gender, or sexuality, there has been and always will be a fight for equality. Feminism is an ongoing movement in the fight for gender equality and as an avid feminist, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie eloquently argues for this change in her book-length essay We Should All Be Feminists. In order to motivate people to consider the positive effects of feminism on everyone, highlight the necessities of women’s rights, and promote the ongoing feminism movement, Adichie uses her own personal experiences and appeals to global audiences throughout her essay. I really enjoyed reading her essay because of the different mechanisms she utilized to move her audience and encourage them to make a change. Not only does this book-length essay skillfully portray the aspects of feminism to global audiences, but Adichie’s Ted talks are very interesting as well as I have watched multiple outside but also in school with my AP Lang teacher. Adichie is someone that I specifically look up to and am stunned by her powerful words and that is why I would like to share this with you!

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