"When women work, do economies grow?"

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Female Economic Involvement. Positive or Negative?


Yes! In fact, in a policy paper from the IMF (International Monetary Fund) published last year, greater gender equality DOES boost economic growth, leading to improved development outcomes. Moreover, increased gender equality within economic labor contributes to reduced income inequality and greater economic diversification. Evidently, women’s economic empowerment does improve and benefit economies around the world. Financial opportunities for women in developing countries and developed countries must be continuously advocated for and improved for overall economic growth throughout the world. I believe that in order for countries to improve economically, governments must promote women involvement in economic labor and fight for gender equality within the workplace.

Although progress has been made, wide gender gaps remain in treatment in the workplace, pay, and opportunities to participate in economic activity, as well as lack of recognition and benefits as men for women. Somehow, though there would be economic growth within countries with increased female economic activity, financial gender gaps are still prominent. We must continue to advocate for gender equality around the world for the world to become a better place economically and socially.

irene pak